Thursday, July 21, 2011

Off to the Circus!!

Hot out, eh? So. stinkin'. hot!

No matter - today I am off to the circus! The Six-Ring-Circus, that is. Annie's place. It's where she blogs about life with FOUR (holy heck, how DOES she do it?) kids. Mostly, she makes me giggle and nod with recognition.

Anyhoo...I was delighted to be asked to guest-post in her space because a) she is awesome and b) she gets me. (And c) I feel special)

So, Life With Bellymonster will be Under the Big Top today. See you there!


  1. Wow, who else would be crazy enough to have four kids?! Oh yeah, me...

  2. You too, Larry? Wow. Annie, meet Larry, fellow crazy person! LOL!
